Localise ideas, create relevant buzz

With globalisation and the online world fully embedded in our society and our day-to-day behaviours, your visitors can go to any place, but yours. And it doesn't matter if you're talking online shoppers or the day-trip tourist. You need to make sure you stand out in the real world as well as that of Google. For both people that are near or those who plan to visit; they will need to find you first before they can love you, from retail shop to tourist guide, from chef to yoga teacher.
Localise, localise, localise. At Hub Town City we celebrate local pride every day; by bringing to life local ideas, by match-making local partners for stronger voice and launching great local events. A first example is the event-platform: 'Haagsche Allure' (The Hague Allure). A One Month Festival around the Denneweg in The Hague. For which we introduced a number of events under one umbrella and created an end-of-summer buzz to attract audience from beach to city; boosting footfall and social engagement to the local area.
We partnered with a successful food truck festival 'RRRollend Den Haag', launched a historic photo exhibition, included charity awareness for 'Save the Children' and we aligned a shopping campaign. The local food partners joined too by offering special food menus to fit the theme – every discipline included...
This end-to-end approach created the perfect buzz for the media to wanting to share our story well in advance. So everybody would know, including Google dot NL. Photography by: Lot Philipsen Photography – www.lotphilipsen.nl